Introducing: DL x Gordon & Li Li

Introducing: DEMYLEE x Gordon & Li Li, the limited-edition Friendship Sweater collaboration between two friends and two pandas.

Demy and Michele’s two-decade long friendship began when they were young designers at GAP, Inc. They both left to start their families, and their own companies. Demy launched DEMYLEE to fill a niche in the industry for classic yet current knitwear and Michele created Gordon & Li Li, to fill a niche in the market for a First Mandarin Words board book series.
Years later, celebrating a DEMYLEE sweater collaboration, Michele & Demy’s creative energy sparked an idea for a DL x G&L exclusive sweater collab for little Gordon & Li Li fans everywhere...and the rest is history.

Available in black & red, this 100% organic cotton sweater will be the one kids and parents will reach for to celebrate the first day of school, National Panda Day (it's March 16th!) and any day you want to celebrate friendship & love.

Available now, exclusively at

Available now, exclusively at